It is commonly known as World Wide Web, it uses HTTP protocol to transmit the data and share information, it was invented by Tim Berners Lee and Robert Cailliau. Apache HTTP server is one of the most popular web server. Apache gives this directory /var/html/www. Web Server is used to serve web content using HTTPS. Web server is of two
1. Static Web Server(Use to serve Static Sites)
2. Dynamic Web Server (Use to Serve Dynamic Sites)
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML) is back-bone of websites, it is similar to the skeleton as skeleton provides structure to body HTML is used to give structure to web applications and web pages. It was created by Berners-Lee in 1991. HTML consists of series of elements. eg body, head, header, footer, p, h1 etc. Elements are enclosed in <> opening and </>closing tags. eg
<p> This is paragraph </p>
Live server it is an extension which automatically reloads the webpages. It refreshes the state automatically so when we save our work it automatically gets changed on the web. We can run live server by right clicking on the code editor and choosing live server option. It injects some of the java script code on the server.
<p title="para"> --> used to write a paragraph. It can consists of title attribute.
<p > This is paragraph </p>
<h title='I am heading'> --> this is heading tag, there are 6 heading tags h1-h6. It can consists of title attribute.
<h1 > This is heading 1 </h1>
Anchor element: used to insert links in web page.
<a href="#"> This is anchor tag</a>
Image Element
<img> this is an Image tag, we can insert an image by using this tag.
<img src="" alt="" sizes="" srcset="">
src: to give source of image alt: to display alternate value if Image does not load. srcset: to give more image source. sizes : we can pass different comma separated sizes of image. img tag can also consists of width and height attribute to specify the width and height respectively.
Lorem : it is used to provide any number of words. We can generate words like lorem100 - used to generate 100 words.
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